Interviu cu managerul diviziei de ambalare, Daniel Cotop

Daniel Cotop, managerul diviziei de ambalare, vorbeste intr-un interviu pentru Pack Expo 2016, despre utilajele prezente la targ, taxa de reciclare si solutiile oferite de Cora Trade Center.

Ce impresie v-a facut conceptul expozitiei PACK EXPO din acest an?

Conceptul noii expozitii destinate ambalajelor este interesant si indraznet, si asta prin faptul ca se organizeaza in Pavilionul Central, datorita numarului mare de expozanti si metodelor de promovare.‎ Speram sa avem parte de si mai multi vizitatori in cadrul editiei acesteia.

Care sunt noutatile cu care va veti prezenta la PACK EXPO?

Ca si noutati, CTC va prezenta o linie completa de infoliat orizontal cu conveior in “V” si magazie de stocare a produsului ambalat, masina special conceputa pentru ambalarea produselor lungi, rotunde sau dreptunghiulare, de la GG Macchine.

O alta noutate este linia completa de formare si sigilare a cutiilor de carton de la Elena Marchetti Italia. Vom prezenta in premiera si cea mai performanta masina de infoliat semi-automata, Spinny S500, cu control de la distanta, de la Effe3Ti. 

Vom prezenta, de asemenea, o gama variata de folii stretch, preintinse si power, produse atat prin metoda „cast” cat si prin metoda „blown”, toate de la Mima Films.

Ce inovatii ale companiei dumneavoastra considerati ca au un impact important in vederea diminuarii risipei alimentare?

Solutiile noastre complete (utilaj+consumabile+ know-how‎) ajuta la sporirea stabilitatii marfurilor pe palet, astfel riscul de deterioare a acestora se diminueaza semnificativ. Evitam astfel sa aruncam produse deteriorate sau neconforme (exemplu: #lactate – solutiile noastre de infoliere permit ca produsul sa “respire” odata infoliat. Crestem in acelasi timp rezistenta si evitam deteriorarea ambalajului primar, implicit, protejam continutul)

In ce masura va afecteaza proiectul de lege referitor la taxa pe ambalaje?

Proiectul de lege prevede scaderea taxei per kg de ambalaj nereciclat. Pentru noi, ca si revanzatori de ambalaje, impactul este destul de mic. De asemenea, suntem organizati in asa fel incat putem colecta selectiv toate ambalajele. Exista 3 puncte de colectare in cadrul depozitelor noastre. Esential este ca noi toti sa constientizam importanta colectarii selective si sa ajutam prin asta la usurarea procesului de reciclare!

Compania va fi prezenta la acest targ in perioana 27-30 septembrie, la Romexpo Bucuresti. Cei prezenti vor putea interactiona direct cu specialistii CTC.

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Easy and fast semiautomatic pallet wrapping

Spinny S140 Plus, an Effe3Ti Italy semiautomatic palletizing machine is a flexible packaging equipment designed to offer completely customized easy wrapping. Using it, you can reach high quality standards. The machine will be displayed this year at Pack Expo, where visitors will benefit of live demonstrations. Join our display of the entire process and its simplicity. It will convince you about the utility of this equipment in optimizing the automatic pallet wrapping process.

The machine is ideal for fast and easy pallet wrapping. Its technology guarantees an adequate pallet wrapping and a high level of safety for the merchandise during transport. Spinny S140 is available in 2 versions. The Plus model has mechanical braking. The Advanced model is equipped with electromechanical braking for film tensioning.

Regarding safety, the trolley has been deliberately placed on the opposing side of the control panel, to avoid injuries. This way, the operator will not stand near a moving component.

Masina de infoliat paleti Spinny S500 semi-automata

Among its main characteristics:

  • rotating table diameter 1500 mm load 1200 kg
  • distance between column and rotating table 500 mm
  • wrapping height up to 2100 mm detected by photocell
  • separate programming of top and bottom reinforcement wraps
  • table rotation regulated by variable frequency drive from 5 to 10 rpm
  • variable speed of film carrier completely customizable
  • sensor controlled rotation stop
  • independent top and bottom turns
  • film carrier fall protection system
  • electronic control panel with simple wrapping cycle, double wrapping cycle with top sheet, manual wrapping cycle
  • manual film carrier stop for reinforcement wrapping turns

Spinny S140 is a flexible machine with many optional features that aim to satisfy the different needs of different clients. Among them, there is the Smart Touch control panel with 4 customizable working programs, rotating table capacity of up to 2000kg and a diameter of up to 2200mm, pallet height of up to 3100mm.

The standard version of Spinny S140 is designed to wrap pallets of up to 1200mm (L) x 1000mm (W), with a loading capacity of up to 1200kg.

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